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Company Profile

Company Profile


Name of company Agrisect INC.
Location of company 2629-1 Numata, Inashik-City, Ibaraki-Pref., 300-0506, JAPAN (Access
Establishment August 25, 2004
Correspondent bank Jyoyo bank, Rakuten bank, Mitsui Sumitomo bank
Main clients Takii & CO.,LTD., 
National Agriculture and Food Research Organization, Chiba Prefectural Agriculture and Forestry Research Center, Kochi Prefectural Agriculture Research Center
Tokyo Uni., Kyoto Uni., Chiba Uni., Utsunomiya Uni., Ehime Uni., Tamagawa Uni., Kinki Uni., Kyoto Sangyo Uni.,Kochi Uni.,Hokkaido Uni. of Education, Tsukuba Uni., Tohoku Uni., Chiba Prefectural Agricultural College




Pollination To Research, Development and Supply of ;
B. terrestris, B. ignitus, other native bumblebee,
Support Item of the bumblebee
Beneficial insect To Research, Development and Supply of ;
Natural enemies, Support Item of the natural enemies
Horticultural Item To Research, Development, import and supply of ;
Physical Protection Item ( as a sticky trap and roll ),
other horticultural items



August, 2004 Agrisect Inc. was established.
September, 2004 Agrisect Inc. started to supply ;
Bumblebee ( B. terrestris ), Sticky trap card, Sticky trap roll,
Rapid Diagnostic kit in plants ( 17 items ).
Phytomonitoring system
November, 2004 Agrisect Inc. obtained a dealership registration of the agricultural chemicals.
Agrisect Inc. started to supply a benefical insect ( 8 items )
Jly, 2006 Agrisect Inc. started to supply a native bumblebee ( B. ignitus )
Januay, 2007 Agrisect Inc. acquired a permission of the Bombus terrestris in the invasive alien species Act. ( Permittion No. : 06001933 )
March, 2008 Agrisect Inc. opened a net shop "Mushikoubou" as antenna shop at Rakuten Ichiba.


〒 300-0506

